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"These tap CDs are beautiful to listen to! "

Buster Brown Tap Dance Star

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Tappers (read)
Sally Banes, Dance Magazine
"...a lively overall use of the body"
Another sell-out (read)
Marynell Kelly, The Express Times [Jul 16, 1999]
""Another sell-out for both shows. This type of thing doesn't happen very often.""
All That Jazz (read)
Linda Ritz, St. Catherine Standard Canada [Sep 19, 1992]
""Shelley Oliver took a trip back in time to the glorious era of vaudeville, and liked it so well she decided to stay.""
Tap and the Deer Head Inn prove to be a perfect match (read)
Marty Munson, The Morning Call [Apr 24, 2001]
""Oliver opened the program and showed a different kind of cool""
Dancers (read)
Jeannie Schulman, Backstage [Mar 4, 1999]
"Shelley is ...personable and fluid, "
Dancers at Lafayette College tap timeless sources of energy (read)
Catherine Williams, The Morning Call [May 20, 1998]
"Oliver's style is very exciting, with rapid-style taps!"
Plays Cole Porter (read)
Martin Z. Kasdan Jr., Louisville Music News [Sep 26, 2012]
"David Leonhardt is a Louisville native who has made his mark accompanying jazz greats such as Jon Hendricks and David "Fathead" Newman"
Plays Cole Porter (read)
D. Oscar  Groomes, O's Place Jazz Magazine
 [Sep 26, 2012]
"His arrangements are juicy "
Buster Brown Tap Dance Star [Apr 25, 2003]
"These tap CDs are beautiful to listen to! "
Weekend Long Jazz Festival at the Lake (read)
Andrzej Pilarczyk, The Source [Apr 30, 2001]
"Delighting the onlookers their joyous tapping, shuffling, and jumping matched the intensity of the Leonhardt Trio's playing."
A flirtatious dancer (read)
Sally Sommer, The Village Voice [Jun 24, 1999]
"Shelley Oliver is a warm, frank, and flirtatious dancer. "
Fred Strickler Tap Dance Star [Apr 25, 1999]
"It is the most danceable music for tap that I've ever heard. Every cut."
Miss Oliver bursts out (read)
Anna Kisselgoff, New York Times [Dec 4, 1996]
"Miss Oliver bursts out with impetuosity, alternating between the deadpan and the coquettish."
A fast mover (read)
Hilary Ostlere, The Westsider
"Shelley Oliver is a vivacious gamin, a fast mover."
Vol #1: Swingin' Tappin' & Jammin' (read)
Diane Walke Tap Dance Star [Apr 25, 1998]
"Every tap dancer on the planet should have this Tap CD !"
David Leonhardt Jazz Group Shelley Oliver Tap Dancers website by immuexa
Shelley Oliver Tap Dancers David Leonhardt Jazz Group